October 31, 2011

Makes me laugh!

I came across this photo that was taken back in 2009. It just makes me laugh. My little dude with a mustache & the perfect face to go along with it! Love him!

October 17, 2011

Blue Family

Got to take photos for my Brother & Sister in law and their darling kiddos. It was tough getting 7 people to look at the camera at the same time...especially with an almost 3 year old and a 9 month old. We did manage to get some good ones and some fun ones. Thanks you guys! Hope you like them.

 Still in love after 5 kids.
 Thought I would post this one...shows Andon's personality.
 Only way we could keep Grady in the photo :)
 Gorgeous family!
 Danyka's almost 5. She's the only girl and you can tell! She's such a girly girl. I wanted a shot of her laying in the grass and she said "Gross. I don't want to do that." Love it!

 Boys will be boys.
 Grady's almost 3.
 Bryson's almost 8.
 Andon just turned 6.

 Gunner is 9 months old.



Love you guys!


My friend delivered triplets at 24 weeks. They each weighed in at 1 pound a few ounces...weighing 4 pounds all together. They lost a little girl at 8 days. The other girl was in the NICU until 4 months and the boy was there until 5 months. They have fought through so much to survive & still have some problems, but are able to be at home finally. Their mother wanted a few photos of them & I was thrilled to get to meet these little miracles!

  They are 6.5 months old and now weigh 9 & 10 pounds.
 His scares from all his surgeries.
 He just sat there and starred at me.

 They each have a Build-A-Bear.
 She was full of smiles for me!

 I love that they had their sister in the picture with them. Three little miracles!

 I wish them and their family the best of luck! They sure are cute!