April 5, 2010

Brooke @ 5 weeks

My kids were sick after Brooke was born, then she got RSV & finally at 5 weeks old I was able to have a photo shoot with her. It was difficult, but she was a doll and worth it.

She is such a little poser!

Mommy had to try to soothe her.
I love this fabric that Amy brought for a background!
Giving out some smiles.


Amy J said...

AHHHH!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Thank you so much for taking these!

Amy J said...

P.S. I LOVE how the ones with the clock in the background came out...ok..I love them all really...and I didn't realize how smiley she was in those last 2 photos!

Aimee & Josh Jensen said...

oh i love the clock ones too!

Laura Blue said...

glad you like them. i'll have to edit more and get them to you. i also need to edit the rash off her mouth. i just wanted to get some photos posted

Skinhorse said...

Oh! How cute are these?!?!?!?!? Adorable! Made my night!

RyDeb.White said...

Super cute! Love the smiles:)

shabbyscrapper said...

great photo shoot! keep up the good work...

Jessica Packard said...

I love the flower bows and the big pink tootoo! :) SO CUTE

Unknown said...

LOVE 2,4,5 and 7!!!
Though the shadows.. they are so cute! I have found that a 5 in 1 fold-able reflector takes away the shadows, or at least softens them, and creates more light..
It too me a few weeks to figure out how to use mine.. But once i figured out you just have to hold it under your cam pointing to the subject, and tilted just enough to let the flash bounce... I LOVED IT! I did AJ's wedding.. and the recep was at night outside.. so I had to quickly learn how to use it! I also learned the reflector needs to be close to the subject AND flash! Other wise you will get waco-ness! :(