January 19, 2011


My nephew Gunner was born on Friday. We got to meet him on Saturday and I was thrilled when Amy asked me if I would be willing to take some photos of him. Of course! When I arrived 3 of the 4 siblings were eager to get their photo taken, so I snapped a few of them.
 Then it was Gunner's turn! He was so good and such a sweet little baby. I am in love with all of his hair. It was hard to choose which photos to post, so here's a few of my favorites.


Brianne said...

Great pics! I'm glad you posted these pics! Can't wait to meet you in person. ;)

Unknown said...

OMG!! Let me just say you are VERY talented Missy! These pictures are stunning! Even your everyday pictures are great!! Keep up the good work!
And I don't just say that to anyone... I take photography VERY seriously!! Lol! JK But great job! Really.